Interaction of pair of granularities, categorised as harmony and clash. harmony () screens out harmony pairs from list of all possible pairs of granularities.

  ugran = "year",
  lgran = NULL,
  hierarchy_tbl = NULL,
  filter_in = NULL,
  filter_out = NULL,
  facet_h = NULL,



A tsibble object.


Typically set as the most coarse unit required in the analysis. Default is "year".


For "regular" tsibble, lgran is the interval of the tsibble. It needs to be specified for "irregular" time intervals. Typically serves as the finest unit required for analysis.


A hierarchy table specifying the hierarchy of units and their relationships.


Choices of temporal units to be kept. Can be column names if #' required granularity already exists in the tsibble. For example, a column with public holidays which needs to be treated as granularity, can be included here for checking how it interacts with other granularities.


Choices of temporal units to be discarded.


highest level of facets allowed.


added arguments to be passed.


A tibble of harmonies and their levels.The levels can be used to decide which granularities to be plotted across x-axis/facets for exploratory aid.


library(tsibbledata) vic_elec %>% harmony(lgran = "hour", ugran = "week")
#> # A tibble: 2 x 4 #> facet_variable x_variable facet_levels x_levels #> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> #> 1 day_week hour_day 7 24 #> 2 hour_day day_week 24 7